So What Next?
Hey everyone! What a week! I am currently moving into a new classroom on campus AND diving into as much training as I can get done before school starts. As the only fourth-grade teacher on campus, I have to be trained in a multitude of areas. You can probably imagine how busy it has been. (This also explains my late posting!)
I am getting my classroom ready for my twenty-three kiddoes, I cannot help but
think about how to set up my classroom in the most learning-friendly
environment. Not only am I considering the layout of my room, but the learning
that will happen within its walls.
How will I use the technology available to me? Is my SMART Board in the right place? Will we use Chromebooks as much as we did in the fourth grade? More or less? How can I better utilize Chromebooks and their functions? What new technology will I incorporate for my learners with exceptional needs? What new technology will I use for group and individual lessons? How do I plan accordingly?
Currently, the fourth grade has access to a SMART Board, Chromebooks, an overhead projector to show work on the board, and a singular tablet. Last year, we had a similar setup; my students used each of these days in their learning. However, I cannot help but ask, “Did I use technology correctly?” Even further, do my students with learning needs have different technological needs?As I blog over the next week, I hope to share about my training and my plans for students regarding technology. Please feel free to share my blog or to share thoughts of your own.
Until next time!
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