All Hands on Pear Deck!

As teachers, we can all agree on a universal truth: teaching can be overwhelming. Working in a school means more than instructing students. We have meetings, cleaning, preparing, and anything else that we put on our plates. For example, not only do I teach fourth grade, but I am also the auxiliary sponsor for the band and serve on a school-based committee on raising funds. I don’t say that to brag but to reiterate that teaching is overwhelming.

That being said, we need to take every opportunity to make our jobs easier. One of my favorite resources is Pear Deck. With Pear Deck, I can supplement my lesson plans with previously prepared content. Not only that, but Pear Deck helps to organize my lesson plans. By selecting a content area, I can choose materials that can be turned into an interactive PowerPoint that I can utilize in my classroom. Additionally, I can select words for our vocabulary, and Pear Deck will create sets for my students. From there, my students can assemble definitions using the material provided by Pear Deck.

Teaching can be overwhelming. However, it is rewarding and anytime I can make it easier on myself and my students. By finding the technology needed, teachers can lighten their own loads to better suit their students' need.

Until next time!


